Enneagram Seekers Group

Enneagram as a Path to Presence

"The Enneagram is not about fixing who we think we are. It is about inviting us into the palace of who we really are." -Russ Hudson

Do you want to deepen your lived experience with the Enneagram in community with other women seekers?

  “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”                    -Rumi

Enneagram as a Path to Presence (EPP) is now underway!

I'm currently enrolling for 2025 February 20th, 2/27, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24  Thursday mornings 10am-12pm

Step into the sacred space of the Women's Wisdom Circle, where the journey to self-discovery intertwines with the wisdom inherent in each person and with the Enneagram, illuminating pathways to greater presence and empowerment.

In this nurturing small group, women gather, embracing the diversity of our experiences and backgrounds, held together by the shared desire for personal growth and greater well being. Guided by the Enneagram and Russ Hudson's audio, "The Enneagram, 9 Gates to Presence," each participant embarks on a deeply personal voyage, exploring the intricate facets of our being with curiosity and compassion.

Through the Enneagram's nine distinct personality types, participants uncover the patterns and motivations that shape their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Together, we delve into the depths of our personality, unraveling layers of conditioning and unveiling the authentic essence that resides within.

Mere knowledge of one's type is insufficient for transformation. The Enneagram is most potent when coupled with spiritual practices within a supportive community.

This group is designed with this in mind.

What do we mean by spiritual?

Simply put, those who are looking for greater intimacy with life, themselves, and others.

Finding the sacred in all things and seeing what gets in our way of this.

This is the real intention of the Enneagram.

AND It's more fun and nurturing to grow in community!

Imagine being in a group with like hearted women committed to spiritual and emotional growth.

  • Are you looking for community and connection with like hearted women? 
  • Are you new to the Enneagram and want a deeper knowledge base and practices to have in your tool belt to move beyond a cognitive understanding?
  • Are you someone who understands the system of the Enneagram but feel stuck in a personal pattern and have not got quite to the core of what keeps you stuck?
  • Have you plateaued in your understanding of the Enneagram and you are looking for insight, inspiration, and community to help take you further in your perspective? 

How might a deeper knowledge of the Enneagram paired with community, weekly teaching, practices, and insights make helpful shifts in relationship with yourself, those you love, and work with?

What if what mystic and poet Rumi says is true? Our deepest reality is Love, yet the barriers we have created within are what keep us from this awareness of reality.

This group with the help of the Enneagram, your inner wisdom, and the guidance of the facilitator is designed to help you begin to cultivate awareness of these areas within that keep you trapped in habituated patterns of seeing and behaving. Recognizing the patterns operating unconsciously in the background of your personality allows you to make changes to the habits that no longer serve you.

Facilitated with sincerity and intentionality, the Women's Wisdom Circle provides a brave space for vulnerability and compassion. Through teaching, guided meditations, and space for heartfelt sharing, participants cultivate a greater capacity for curiosity about their inner strategies and an inner spaciousness to bring more compassion and understanding to them.

Father of existential theory and author of "Man's Search for Meaning," Victor Frankel said, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

The Enneagram paired with somatic and mindfulness practices is a powerful tool in growing that space that can pave the way to choice and freedom.

This women's group is based in enneagram theory, transpersonal psychology, perennial wisdom and the science behind somatic and mindfulness practices.

Some of the ways the Enneagram supports us are:

  • Personal growth: understanding yourself, your core beliefs, motivations,  and habits-why you do what you do.
  • Marriage and intimate relationships: understanding yourself, your partner and how you relate.
  • Parenting: understanding your children’s personalities and reactions as well as your common relational style with them.
  • Spirituality: Why does gratitude often feel like a "should" and our intimacy with the moment feel out of reach? The Enneagram helps us see what gets in the way of experiencing greater presence and communion with the Divine and the world around us.

Who is this group for?

  • EPP is for those new and seasoned in their awareness of the Enneagram’s wisdom.
  • EPP can be helpful to professionals who want to grow their knowledge base of the Enneagram.
  • EPP can serve those who have studied the Enneagram, but who have plateaued or feel limited in knowing how to take it deeper in their growth journey.
  • If you’re new to the Enneagram and want to understand what all the "buzz" is about, this is your chance to explore how this powerful tool can be a path for developing emotional intelligence, understanding, and a treasure trove of self-discovery.
  • For seasoned Enneagram seekers, you’ll find new inspiration for your devotion to this path and deepen your understanding and inner growth journey.
  • For those who want to grow in embodied awareness and mindfulness practice.

Designing an intimate and experiential space for both new and seasoned students of the Enneagram creates opportunities to see things anew through the lens of a beginner’s mind and to explore the inspired experience of those who have traveled this path a little longer.

"The spiritual journey is an endless process of engaging life as it is, stripping away our illusions about ourselves, our world, and the relationship of the two, moving us closer to reality as we do. The process begins with losing the illusion that spirituality will float us above the daily fray." -Parker Palmer

If you are desiring experiential depth while developing community with other seekers, this group is for you. 

What to Expect.

This group will be 8 sessions held weekly.  Part one will be in the fall and for those who want to continue there will be a part 2 (8 sessions) in the Winter/Spring of 2025.

Sessions will include a facilitated grounding embodied meditation practice, time for check in from participants who choose to share, teaching time, questions and comments, reflections practices, and reading assignments and practices for outside of our group time. Outside of our group time we will be listening to Russ Hudson's The Enneagram: 9 Gates to Presence (Found on Audible or through Sounds True)

Each person comes with their inherent inner wisdom and experience. We learn from each other and grow together.

This group is designed to be a co-creative wisdom circle where your participation is invited. A wisdom circle is a way for small groups of people to create a safe space within which to be trusting, authentic, be seen, and open to change. Wisdom circles can become like a "soul companion" for the participants growth and journey.

We understand that life can happen and one may need to leave the group or miss a session from time to time. We are limiting enrollment to a small number to provide a deep, nourishing, and rich experience. Your participation and presence is held sacred and vital to the groups experience. For the sake of the group, please strongly consider your season of life and if this is something you feel called to commit to at this time.

Statement on Diversity and Inclusion: As a facilitator, my intention is to create an inclusive space that honors all cultures, races, gender expressions, and ethnicities. However, as white-bodied, cisgender woman, I recognize the privilege and systemic advantages inherent in my identity. I acknowledge the racial lenses and gendered systems that have shaped my experiences and perspectives, understanding that they differ significantly from those of BIPOC and LGBTQIA individuals. I am dedicated to actively listening, learning, and unlearning, and committed to ongoing growth in this area.

Read What Past Participants Have Shared...

"This group has meant so much to me. I have grown so close to each of these women and have learned so much about them and myself. The work challenges you to be vulnerable and open up, but if you trust the process and let go, you will find beautiful healing and compassion for yourself and others." -AH

"I have been so touched by this experience and have learned things about myself that will forever impact me. I am grateful to the leaders for their support and look forward to using these new insights in my journey."  -WK

"Loved this group especially, this time together, the study, the revelations, the bond, the opening of heart, mind and body. So very much!!!" -AS

"I am fortunate to have been an Enneagram student of Summer Estes for the past several years. Summer is an excellent and compassionate teacher and facilitator of all things Enneagram and more! The small group experiences of EEP1 and EPP2 in a smaller size group, cozy home environment, and with "real" depth seekers have been life-giving. Thanks to Summer and my fellow sojourners!"-RP

"Summer's facilitation style is compassionate, intuitive, vulnerable, and caring. As a type One who can easily misperceive and generate self-criticism, she creates a safe and loving space to share the depths of our "broken" selves." -TB


Summer Estes, MA, LCMHC, is a licensed psychotherapist, breath facilitator, founder of Embodied-Intelligence, and has a special interest in deep inner work that integrates both  perennial wisdom, somatic, and mindfulness practices. Summer has been a student of the  Enneagram since 2010 and began the training program in 2017 at The Enneagram Institute in New York with Russ Hudson. She graduated in 2019. Summer loves to create co-creative learning and healing environments. She has been on faculty with The Second Breath Center, a Perennial Wisdom school in Greensboro NC. She has led many inner work workshops with organizations including Cone Health and Compass Greensboro. She has worked in the healing arts for over 18 years.

To learn more about Summer click here

8  group sessions

  • Guided embodied and somatic practice to develop interoception, felt sense awareness, and emotional regulation.    
  • We will be listening during our week outside of group to Russ Hudson's recording of "The Enneagram: 9 Gates of Presence" through Audible or Sounds True (this audio is an additional cost you will purchase on your own).
  • An experienced licensed psychotherapist, educator, and space holder.
  • Peer support and inquiry practice.
  • Soul friendships to offer compassion and celebration for the struggles and joys of life.

EPP is offered in person, and if a group prefers can be conducted via Zoom. If on zoom, all  live teachings  will be recorded upon for you to access at your convenience should you miss a session or want to  review. Please note, all sessions and recordings are only available to group members. 

For Locals to Greensboro, Location is TBD

Please indicate your preference in the questionnaire if you are interested in a Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning group.  We will only offer both if we have enough women to fill both groups. Otherwise, I will reach out and communicate the time that works best for the majority.  If your preferred time is not available a full refund will be provided.  

We will begin each session with a guided grounding embodied practice, check in time, short teaching,  question & comments, sharing time, break out groups for sharing and inquiry work, time to share our struggles and breakthroughs, and receive guidance on the practical application of the teachings in our daily lives.

During your enrollment in EPP, you may decide on an option to include individualized private sessions with Summer each month for the duration of the course should you decide . Private sessions are an opportunity for you to explore whatever arises as you participate in the course.  

As you do inner work, you will experience life in new ways. Connecting with a teacher to help re-orient during this time can be helpful. Private sessions are a chance to find “ground,” get feedback on your process, ask questions, and deepen the integration of your inner and outer life.  

Please visit my coaching web page to book a 1 to 1 session. https://embodied-intelligence.com/coaching/

*These sessions are $150 


In addition to the weekly group sessions, I will host "Office Hours" once during the 8 week session program. This 60 minute zoom gathering  will be an open opportunity to connect with me and other participants to explore topics of interest to you. 

  • $325  *Early bird rate  (Includes 8 group sessions and 1 (1 hour) group "office hours" to connect on your questions of choice 
  • $350    After August 30th, 2024

Option to add a monthly one-on-one coaching session with Summer ($150 per session). I offer a sliding scale upon request.

Visit my coaching web page to book at 1 to 1 session. https://embodied-intelligence.com/coaching/

-Recommended audio by Russ Hudson called "The Enneagram: Nine Gates to Presence" found on audible or Sounds True. It is cheaper on Audible.  Not included in price. 

-Partial scholarships may be offered upon request.

*Please USE VENMO TO PAY:  @Summer-Estes-1

Summer _ May Branding-07

How to Apply

  1. Complete the Questionnaire. This will reserve your spot!
  2. Join the group by paying to hold your spot.

Complete the Questionnaire NOW to reserve your spot.

See how we create supportive groups by consciously acting to the best of our ability on these agreements

"Summer undoubtedly has a knowledge base, deeply intuitive nature, and wisdom that has allowed me to become a believer of what the enneagram offers and promotes, which I believe is healing. I am thankful for the ways in which Summer provided me with the skills and tools to really see myself and begin to trust myself."

—Genesis Adams

"I highly recommend Summer's classes. I really value her ability to incorporate practice into her workshops and to foster open and co-creative spaces. Summer has a great way of inviting presence, and has helped me to dig into what I am noticing and use it to enhance my understanding of myself and my journey."


"Over the past 5 years I have participated in workshops and classes, in person and virtually, led by Summer. She has an amazing spirit that creates a sacred space for discovery, trust, vulnerability and acceptance. My spiritual journey and discipleship have been fueled with her by my side."

—Julie Nelson

Awareness of interpersonal relationships is in part a gift to us as we seek to understand. Getting better acquainted in who we are, how we function, where we see ourselves in relationships, I think gives us a healthier perspective of humanity. I have found that this enneagram workshop is the bow that unwraps this gift.

—Chaplain Abel Moran


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